Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lasik Vision Correction - An Affordable Innovation

By Arvind Singh

Many people think and dream of getting their glasses off. Earlier the only way of getting rid of glasses was to wear contact lenses. However, with technological improvement, it has now become possible to correct vision defect itself. Lasik vision correction is a new technology which has made it possible for anyone to cure vision defect in a short time period and in a cost effective manner. This Lasik vision correction technique is very safe and a person undergoing this surgery can resume his or her work within a few weeks time. In Lasik centre, the ophthalmologist use laser beam to modify the shape of cornea and the operation can be done with a few minutes.

Laser is basically a beam and is an acronym for light amplification which is a result of stimulation emission of radiation. It is a light beam and the beam is created purposely. This laser can be ultraviolet or infrared laser beam or it can even be within the range of our vision. The laser beams are named according to the way it is created like solid-state laser, semi conductor or can even be gas laser. All beams created are of same colour, and it is even directional which means the light particles present in the beam are in the state of lockstep. This results in beam to be highly focused and concentrated.

In Lasik vision correction, ultraviolet beams used, are referred as excimer laser. Any person desiring to go for this Lasik operation is instructed to discontinue wearing contact lenses approximately 10-15 day prior to the surgery date. Before conducting the surgery, the patient's corneas are examined with a help of a pachymeter to ascertain its thickness and with a topographer to measure surface contour. This also enables the surgeon to detect astigmatism and any other irregularities in the cornea. After the surgery, patients have to undergo a course of antibiotics and apply anti-inflammatory eye drops for some time. Patients are advised to wear a dark pair of eyeglasses to protect it from light after Lasik vision correction surgery.

With the passage of time, there has been a marked improvement in the Lasik vision correction surgery, but surgeons are still waiting to for conclusive evidence to see it is absolutely safe in the long run. There are a chances of a patient suffering from complications like slipped flap, corneal infection, glare or halo and some of these complications are irreversible as this process of Lasik surgery is irreversible. With time this cornea surgery has become affordable and safe for people and Lasik surgery cost has gone down tremendously. The effects of undergoing this surgery and its consequences in the long run will be known at later stage.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Vision Correction gives some unbelievable results. So what are you waiting for, visit a Lasik Vision Institute and get back lost vision.
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